Visiting Research Fellow, Research Centre for Environmental Humanities, Bath Spa University

Profesor Honorifico, Filologia Inglesa,
Universidad de Alicante, Spain.

Author of D. H. Lawrence, Ecofeminism and Nature (Routledge, 2023)

Curriculum Vitae of Visiting Research Fellow Terry Gifford


Early Women Mountaineering Writers

Ecocriticism's Treatment of Pastoral

Pastoral, Anti-Pastoral and Post-Pastoral Draft of a chapter for Louise Westling (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Environment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014 (in press).

Towards a new Multi-dimensional Ecopoetics of Place: a personal journey towards a multilingual English view of Spanish place

Pastoral, Anti-Pastoral and Post-Pastoral as Reading Strategies

Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and a Post-Pastoral Theory of Fiction

Ownership and access in the work of John Muir, John Buchan and Andrew Greig

Pastoral Sounds

Muir and Ruskin

Countryside to Environment

Pastoral 2022

Rewalking Coleridge and Wordsworth

Mountaineering Literature as Dark Pastoral


Ted Hughes Essays

The Wound

Fay Godwin Interview

Hughes's Notion of Shamanic Healing

Ted Hughes, Translation and Ecopoetics

Charles Frazier Essays

Charles Frazier's Cold Mountain

Nature’s Eloquent Speech in Charles Frazier’s novel Nightwoods


D. H. Lawrence essays

The Flying Fish

Nettles and the Lovely Lady

The Prussian Officer

Lady Chatterley's Lover


Birds Beasts and Flowers

The Boy in the Bush

The "Moony" Chapter of Women in Love Revisited

Organic Metaphor as Mutual Agency in The Rainbow

Reading DH Lawrence in the Anthropocene

Ecological Affect in Sea and Sardinia



Steck and Ascent

Ye Canna Go On For Ever

Carrot Ridge

Against Guidebooks

Two’s Too Serious. Three’s an Interesting Epic: Espolόn Central, Costa Blanca

Which is the best V.Diff in Britain? The Cioch Nose of Sgurr a’ Chaorachain? [Published in ClimberOctober 2014]

Lunch With Steck and Roper - The Alpine Journal 2014

Wreckers' Slab

Great Tor

  The International Festival of Mountaineering 1987-2006